Accounting machines,
- making entries, 54
Adding and calculating,
- various devices, 68/82
- arrangement of columns, 71/73
- overlapping forms, 74, 76, 79
- masking of columns, 73
- tumbler printing, 73, 80
Address space,
- postal folders, 108/111
- window envelopes, 104/105
Addressing equipment,
- making entries, 54/56
A.D.P. forms, 63
- input documents, 64, 65
Analysis of data for forms design, 11/13
- general, 22/23
- lines, 23
- panels, 22, 23
- arms: distinguishing imprint, 18, 20
Assembly of data for forms design, 11/13
Books of forms, 88
Boxes and panels, general, 22, 23
- codings, 64, 65
- forms completed by typewriter, 49
- emphasis, 28
- entry of large numbers, 30, 47
- position of captions, 26/28, 49
Calculating: see Adding
Captions, general, 38
- forms completed by typewriter, 49
- position, 26/28, 49
- simplification, 24
Carbon coatings, 136
- patches, 136
- bands, 136
Carbon copying, general, 133/143
- registration between copies, 138, 141, 143
Carbon papers: various types and sizes,
Carbon posting strips, 77
Checking entries, 68
Check list for forms design, 166
Coding of data, 59/60, 64, 65
- papers and inks, 99
- factors affecting choice, 99/100
Collection and assembly of data for forms
- design, 11/13
- arrangement, 22, 45, 71, 72
- coded analysis, 81
- reading aids, 24, 46, 47, 67
- staggering, 46, 69, 70
Completion of forms by public: design
- factors, 16/18, 22
Conditions, working, 17
Continuous stationery,
- make-up, 91, 92
- strips of forms, 93, 142
Copies, general, 23
- distinguishing copies, 101/102, 139
Copying: from the form, 66, 67
- cut, 89
- rounded, 89
- sorting symbols, ro1, 102
Cost factors, 17
Declaration: counter signatures, 38
Delivery of forms from printers, 158
Draft forms,
- layout and instructions to printer, 112/118, 155
- instructions for reproduction, 154
Dual purpose punched cards, 61
Duplicating processes, 144
Electronic computer forms (ADP), 63
Entries and entry spaces, 45
- accounting machines, 54
- addressing machines, 54/56
- grouping, 47
- illustrative entries, 27
- instructions, 29, 32, 33
- position, 22, 49, 50, 78
- pre-codings, 60
- preprinted, 40/44
- reading aids, 45, 46, 50
- simplification: by printing likely answers
- and providing for an indication of
- choice, 40/44
- space required, 45
- typewriter, 49/50
Envelopes: sizes and shapes, 103, 105
- international ‘A’ sizes, 94, 103
- window and aperture, 104
Erasure, 98
Filing documents, 83
- wallet type case papers, 84, 86
Folders, postal, 108, 111
- envelope sizes, 104/107
- folding marks, 108/111
Gummed coloured labels, 99
Gumming edges, 88
Handling forms, 94, 98
Headings of forms, 17/19
Impact on public: factors, 16/18, 21, 22
Indexes, general, 83
- wallet type case paper, 84
- alpha-chronological list, 86
- colours, 99
- colour contrasts to aid reading, 100
- colour in working conditions, 100
- brevity and clarity, 32/33
- classification, 35, 37
- diagrams, 33
- making entries, 35, 36
- position, 33, 35, 36, 37
Instructions for reproducing the form, 154
Internal transit documents, 103
Labels, economy, 103
Letterpress: see Typographical treatment
Line numbers, 25, 50
- appearance, 120
- colours, 23
- dotted, 22, 29, 30
- folding, 89, 108, 111
- guide lines for machine entries, 50
- need for, 23
- pen rulings, 22, 23
- printed, 22, 120
Machines: see Office machines
Mailhandling equipment: requirements, 105
Make-up of forms, 88
- binders, 83
- bound books, 83
- filed forms, 83
- padded forms, 88
- printing non-essential matter, 20
- typewritten entries, 48
- trimming, 94
Masking devices, 67, 73
Multi-part forms, 88, 139
Names, 38
Nationality, 38
Ncr paper, 136
Notes and instructions: see Instructions
Numbers for entry spaces, 23
Numbering of forms,
- identification, 18
- serial, 18
Office machines,
- layout requirements, 22
Offset lithoform production, 87
Padded forms, 88
Panels and boxes,
- general, 22, 23
- codings, 64, 65
- emphasis, 28
- entry of large numbers, 30, 47
- forms completed by typewriter, 49
- position of captions, 26/28, 49
- colours available, 99
- colour contrast to aid reading, 100
- quality, 98, 108
- ink entries, 98
- pencil entries, 98
Peg board forms, 143
Pen rulings, 22, 23
Pencil entries, 98
Perforations, 89
Photocopying, 145
Postal folders, 108/111
Preliminary consideration of data, 16
Preprinted entries: see Entries
Printed forms: production, 87, 154
Printing instructions, 154
- alterations to, etc., 156
- symbols for correcting, 159
Publications, etc., for reference, 170
Punched cards: input and output documents, 57/62
- dual purpose cards, 61
Punched holes,
- general, 83, 85, 89
- filing, 83
- sprocket feed for forms, 142
Quantity of forms,
- method of reproduction, 154
- quantity to order, 158
Questions on form, 38
Ready reckoners, 75
Registration between copies: see Copies
Reprints, 158
Reproduction of forms: general, 87
- instructions for printer, 154
- technical advice, 17
Review of forms, 9
Rules: see Typographical treatment
Ruling: see Lines
Samples, for printer, 156
Scoring, for folding, 89
Serial numbers, 20, 31
Shading, 24
Signals, 83, 86
Size of forms and paper, general, 94
- commercial forms, 95
- duplicating paper, 96
- printing paper B.S. and International ‘A’ sizes, 94, 97
- writing paper B.S. and International ‘A’ sizes, 94, 97
Sketch of form to assist printer, 112, 115/117
Sorting, 94
Spacing allowances, 45
Specification for printing, 158
Sprocket feed, 142
Spirit duplicating process, 144
Staggering totals, 69, 70
- to aid reading, 24
- to assist adding, 79
Stock forms: H.M.S.O., 16
Strips of forms, 93, 142
Status of signatory, 38
Supply arrangements, 158
Symbols and marks,
- to indicate instructions, 23
- for proof correction, 159
Tabulation Stops (typewriters), 48
Title of form, 18
Transparencies, 145/153
Translucent paper and dyeline copying,
Tumbler printing, 50, 73, 80, 89
Typewriter characters, 51
Typewritten entries: general, 48
- continuous stationery, 48
- varityper, 52
Typographical treatment, 112/113
- choice of type, weights and faces, 113, 11g, 120
- rules, 120
Varityper characters, 52, 53
WINDOW envelopes, 104
Wording of forms, 21, 38
Working conditions, 17
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