Use of typewriter characters for forms design

If the form will be duplicated the type faces available can be used to give varying degrees of emphasis.

Three styles of typeface: Pica, Elite and Petit Roman.
Pica is the largest, elite is smaller, and petit roman the smallest.
Maximum emphasis shows uppercased text that is spaced out and underlined.
Next degree of emphasis shows upper cased underlined text.
Follpwed by upper case by itself.
and then Upper case / Lower case underlined.
and then Upper case / Lower case by itself.
It is important, however, not to be too lavish with emphasis. If there is both underlining and capital letters for minor items there will be insufficient means of emphasising the major ones.


Special typewriters are manufactured which have a range of interchangeable type faces. If one of these is available a number of other typewriter characters can be introduced. Examples (from the Varityper range), with series numbers, are:

(a) Suitable for stencil-typing or photolitho reproduction

Lots of typefaces with the same example text:
Many type faces can be used on a Varityper. Letter spacing can varied. (Then the same again in full caps).
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 ” # $% & ’ () 1/2 @ 1/4 3/4 £ ¢ * ? ,.
Letters have consistent thickness.

(b) Suitable for photolitho reproduction only

Lots of typefaces with the same example text:
Many type faces can be used on a Varityper. Letter spacing can varied. (Then the same again in full caps).
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 ” # $% & ’ () 1/2 @ 1/4 3/4 £ ¢ * ? ,.
Letters have varied thickness.